Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Leadership Burnout Assessment

I wish to point you to a helpful leadership burnout assessment that will assist you to objectively evaluate your own situation.

Burnout is all too common amongst leaders, executives and professionals. The more you can understand about job burnout, the better armed you are to deal with it. Hopefully we can prepare you for avoiding burnout altogether.

The Overload Assessment is located here:


Print it off and complete it, then compare score results with the provided commentary. And if you need to take action ... take it.

The leadership burnout assessment consists of a substantive list of reported symptoms common to burnout.

We offer this only as a tool to give you further insight. It does not provide a diagnosis or anything of that nature. Rather, it simply provides you with insight to assist you in making good decisions about your job, career, health and well-being.

As an Executive Coach, I have worked with many leaders over the years who are experiencing overload or burnout. Interestingly someone once referred to me as North America's Beat Burnout Coach for leaders. Interesting indeed. I've actually used the moniker from time to time.

Seriously, burnout often goes hidden amongst leaders because ... frequently and sadly ... it would not be understood or responded to well by others. In my mind and from my experience with leaders, it is (with thanks to Al Gore) the second inconvenient truth.

If you have concerns about yourself and your situation, do the Overload Assessment and take action to reach a solution. Take responsibility for your own situation and well-being. Others will have to play catch-up.

1 comment:

  1. Burnout is a kind of job depression, caused by feelings of uncontrollability - powerlessness. It diminishes motivation and performance nose-dives. Burnout is stressful, but not caused by stress. Stress and burnout are not on a continuum. Stress MUST be dealt with because, when left unchecked, it can lead to health issues. But reducing stress does not reduce burnout, except when doing so increases your sense of control. The process is unique for each person. So the first step is to identify what is getting you down. Begin by noticing what is going on each time that you get "that" feeling. then makes notes on it in a journal. After several days, review your "data', looking for patterns. Those patterns point to the causes of your burnout and to the intervention points. For more info on the symptoms., causes and what to do about burnout visit my site where I have many articles on overcoming job burnout. -docpotter
